The most active
and conspicuous organs of plants.
The most
important function is absorbing sunlight for photosynthesis. To do this, they
expose large amounts of surface area to the environment.
Phyllotaxis (from the Greek: phyllon - leaf; taxis
- arrangement). The arrangement of leaves on a stem.
It is determined at the shoot apex and is species-specific.
Spiral or alternate phyllotaxis - most plants have this arrangement of leaves. One leaf per node. Birch (Fagus), oak (Quercus),
mulberry (Morus)
have alternate phyllotaxy. If leaves form 2 parallel ranks along the
stem, the phyllotaxis is said to be distichous, as
in ginger, pea (Pisum sativum), and
Opposite phyllotaxis - have 2 leaves per node, as in maple (Acer), ash (Fraxinus), and olive (Olea). When pairs
of leaves at successive nodes are at right angles to each other, the phyllotaxis is decussate,
as in coleus.
Whorled phyllotaxis - have 3 or more (and as many as 25) leaves per node. Oleander (Nerium
oleander), Peperomia,
and horsetail (Equisetum) have
whorled phyllotaxy.
Phyllotaxis is independent of leaf shape.
Anatomy and function
Why are there leaves of so many different shapes?
Structure of leaves
Simple leaves
- have a flat, undivided blade, not separated into leaflets, that is supported
by a stalk, called a petiole. Leaves
of plants, such as Zinnia, that lack petioles are called sessile leaves.
Redbud, elm, and maple have simple leaves.
Compound leaves - have blades that are divided into leaflets that form in one plane.
Leaflets lack axillary buds, but each compound leaf
has a single bud at the base of its petiole. There are two kinds of compound
leaves: pinnately
compound leaves and palmately
compound leaves.
a. Pinnately compound leaves - form in pairs along a central, stalk-like rachis. Ash, walnut, and rose.
Bipinnately compound
leaf – pinnately
compound leaf with the leaflets divided pinnately
b. Palmately compound leaves - attach at the same point, mush as the fingers are attached to your
palm. Horse chestnut (Aesculus), marijuana
(Cannabis), clover (Trifolium) and lupine (Lupinus).
How to tell a
single leaflet of a compound leaf from a simple leaf?
Axillary buds are present only in the axils of primary
petioles and absent from the axils of leaflets. The position of the axillary bud it can be used to determine whether a leaf is
simple or compound.
diagnostic hint: orientation. All leaflets of a compound leaf are oriented in
the same plane, whereas if each leaflet were to be a simple leaf instead, they
would be oriented in different planes.
Venation –
the arrangement of veins. Used in plant identification.
Reticulate veined (net-like veined) – in the form of a network. Dicots
Parallel veined
– with main veins parallel to the leaf axis or tow each other. Monocots.
Pinnately-netted – blade bisected along long axis by large midvein. Smaller branch veins are produced from the midrib,
each giving rise to successively smaller branches that ultimately form a
Palmately-netted – several veins of equal size diverging from the tip
of the petiole instead of just a single midrib.
Internal structure
Epidermis -
in most leaves, epidermis is transparent and non-photosynthetic. It contains numerous
stomata (2 guard cells and the pore between them).
Vascular tissue
- xylem and phloem in leaves form in strands called veins. Xylem forms on the
upper side of a vein (on a vertical leaf, on the side next to the stem), and
phloem on the lower side (side away from the stem).
a. Veins are like a leaf's fingerprint and can be used to
identify plants.
b. Most dicots have netted (reticular) venation, meaning
they have one or a few prominent mid-veins from which smaller minor veins
branch into a meshed network.
c. Leaves of most monocots have parallel venation, meaning that several prominent and parallel
veins interconnect with smaller, inconspicuous veins.
d. Each vein ending services a small neighborhood of
cells and is where most water and solutes are exchanged within cells of the
Ground tissue
- the ground tissue of leaves is called the mesophyll. It contains several
types of cells, including sclerenchyma (sclereids), storage parenchyma, and chlorenchyma
(chloroplast-containing parenchyma cells specialized for photosynthesis).
Environmental control of leaves
The morphological differences
that distinguish plants growing in different habitats is
most striking in the leaves. Leaf development is affected by several
environmental factors, the most influential of which are light and moisture.
Light - day
length, light intensity, and presence or absence of light strongly affect leaf
Presence or absence of light -
leaves of most dicots require light to
expand and produce chlorophyll. The light-controlled expansion of leaves is
important because it ensures that a plant will not form leaves unless light is
present for photosynthesis.
Daylength - (amount of light per day). During short days, plants
such as Kalanchoe produce small, succulent leaves
that are sessile and not lobed. During long days, Kalanchoe
produces large thin, lobed leaves with petioles.
Light intensity - leaves of many plants respond to differing intensities of light.
Consider plants growing in a dense rain forest. Leaves atop the plant canopy
are bathed in intense light and are called sun leaves. These leaves have
significantly different structures than do shade leaves, which grow in the dim
light on the forest floor.
Sun leaves are
smaller and thicker than shade leaves. Leaves of Plectanthrus (Coleus) grown in
intense light are 3 x thicker than leaves grown in dim
Leaves high in a
tree canopy receive a great deal of sunlight. These leaves tend to be smaller
(reduced light absorptive surface) and tend to have more complex edges and lobes
(enabling the dispersal of absorbed heat quickly).
Leaves in lower
canopy are more shaded and, therefore, larger (more light absorptive surface),
and have a reduced expression of lobes and complex edges.
In intense light, sun leaves fix carbon faster
than do shade leaves.
Sun leaves have
smaller and more numerous chloroplasts than do shade leaves
Epidermal cells
of shade leaves often contain chloroplasts.
Moisture - leaves we have been considering so far have, for
the most part, been mesophytes,
plants that grow best in moist, but not wet, environments
a. Xerophyte - plant that
grows in a habitat characterized by seasonal or persistent drought, such as
bright deserts. Availability of light seldom limits the growth of xerophytes.
Rather, their growth is usually limited by how efficiently they use water.
1. Xerophytes have small, thick leaves with
well-developed spongy and palisade layers. The leaves are often modified for
water and typically contain little intercellular spaces.
2. Xerophytes, such as sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) that grow in seasonally
dry habitats produce relatively large leaves during wet season, which are
replaced by smaller leaves during the dry season.
3. Some plants forgo leaves altogether during drought,
and have green and succulent stems for photosynthesis and storage of water.
4. Xerophytes are covered by an epidermis having thick
cell walls, numerous stomata, and a thick cuticle. Mesquites growing in dry
areas have considerably thicker cuticles than those growing in wet areas. The
stomata or xerophytes are often sunken and overlaid with trichomes.
5. Xerophytes have large amounts of supporting tissues in
their leaves. Turgor pressure supports leaves of
plants growing in most environments. Since turgor
cannot always be maintained in xerophytes, their leaves usually contain large
amounts of sclerenchyma for support.
6. Some of these modifications (adaptations) may not
necessarily be a response to conserving water, but just as likely as
adaptations to intense light, or limited nitrogen
Needle leaves
These leaves of
conifers (and others) have a low light absorptive surface area. Each needle is
not able to capture much sunlight energy for photosynthesis.
Needles also have
a thick, outer cuticle coating designed to prevent excessive water loss. Suited
to dry climates.
Needles last for
4 or 5 years (or more or less), while many broad leaves live for only a season.
Needle leaves have an advantage in that the metabolic cost of the leaf’s
synthesis can be recovered by photosynthesis over several growing seasons.
Continuous presence of the needles enable the leaves to exploit moderate
environmental or climatic conditions (very early spring, very late “Indian
summer”), by photosynthesizing and gathering energy for the plant to use or
A German study
showed that a broad-leafed beech tree photosynthesized for 176 days in a year,
while a nearby Norway spruce conifer photosynthesized for 260 days a year.
The spruce was
58% more productive than the beech.
Modified leaves
Tendrils -
leaves modified for support, as in sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) and trumpet flower (Bignonia capreolata).
Leaf or leaflet may be converted to a tendril. Photosynthesis in these plants
is delegated to leaflike structures called stipules,
at the base of each leaf. In the potato vine
(Solanum jasminoides)
and garden nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), only
the petiole is modified into a tendril. Tendrils may grow to 30 m long.
Stipules -
small, leaflike structures at the base of petioles.
They have a variety of functions. Stipules of woodruff (Asperula) and sweet pea are
photosynthetic; those of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and spurge (Euphorbia) form protective spines. Stipules protect buds in oak and
beech, and in plants like Smilax they
become tendrils that coil around objects that they touch. (These tendrils are
very sensitive - they'll coil around a wire weighing only 1.23 mg, about 1/50th
the weight of a paper clip.
Spines -
spines of plants such as ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) and cacti are leaves modified for
Bud scales -
tough, overlapping, waterproof leaves that protect buds from frost, dessication, and pathogens. Bud scales form before the
onset of unfavorable growing seasons such as winter.
Bracts -
floral leaves that form at the base of a flower or flower stalk. usually small and scalelike, and
protect developing flowers. some plants have colorful
bracts, like poinsettias, Indian paintbrush (Castilleja), bird-of-paradise (Strelitzia), Bougainvillea. In these plants, bracts
replace petals and attract pollinators (the petals of these plants
characteristically have small and inconspicuous flowers).
Storage leaves -
storage leaves of onion (Allium sativa) and lily are fleshy, concentric
leaves modified to store food. Onions have tubular leaves, the white bases of which
form the bulb. The leaves of most bulbs store starch and sugar.
Cotyledons -
embryonic leaves.
a. Monocots usually have only 1 cotyledon.
b. Dicots have two cotyledons.
c. Cotyledons have several functions:
in beans they absorb the endosperm and therefore store
energy used for germination. Because the embryonic plant is nonphotosynthetic,
it must have its own nutrients during germination until it becomes
2. The cotyledons of many plants function as storage
organs and become large and thick as they absorb the food reserves initially
produced as endosperm. These seeds have little or no endosperm at maturity.
Examples of seeds with thick and fleshy cotyledons - peas, beans, squash,
sunflower, and peanut. Wheat and corn have very thin cotyledons that function
primarily to help the young plant digest and absorb food stored in the
endosperm. Storage products in cotyledons are usually carbohydrates, but they
may be oils, as in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea).